
Monday 8 May 2017

Aham Brahma Asmi and Bhagavad Gita

18 chapters of Gita are divided into 3 parts.

1. First 6 chapters - Aham. How I need to prepare myself?
2. Second 6 chapters - Brahmam. What are the qualities of the supreme soul?
3. Third 6 chapters - Asmi. What are the blocks which are stopping me to become that and how to overcome those?

To explain more -

I) The first 6 chapters- Aham - l
Chapter 1 - Arjuna vishadam - Confused, disturbed, depressed and frustrated mind
Chapter 2 - Sankhyam - fundamental knowledge of living and non-living beings.
Chapter 3 - Karma yoga - Seva or service without expecting the results of the actions. (This is to handle the 5th layer, the memory)
Chapter 4 - Gnana Karma sanyasam - The knowledge which helps to overcome the expectations from our actions. (This is to handle the 4th layer, intellect)
Chapter 5 - Sanyasam - Leaving too much of actions or sacrificing the results of the actions.
Chapter 6 - Dhyanam - Preparation of body, breath and Mind for peace and rest. (Kriya yoga - yoga, pranayama and meditation for the first 3 layers)

II) The second 6 chapters -Brahmam- That
Chapter 7 - gnana vignanam - The knowledge of science to know the highest.
Chapter 8 - Aksharam - The non-changing.
Chapter 9 - Rajavidhaya Rajaguhyam - The great secret
Chapter 10 - Vibhuti - omnipresent
Chapter 11 - Vishvarupam - Knows everything
Chapter 12 - Bhakti - worshiping that (to handle the 6th layer, ego)

III) The third 6 chapters - Asmi - to become that
Chapter 13 - kshetra kshetragna - difference of body and the soul
Chapter 14 - Gunatrayam - differences among the 3 gunas
Chapter 15 - Purushothamam - The supreme soul and jeevatma
Chapter 16 - Deivaasura sampath - Divine and demon differences
Chapter 17 - Shradha trayam - three types of Beliefs or faiths

Chapter 18 - Moksha sanyasam - Surrender and  mukti (7th layer the soul)

Karma storage and release

In the brain our karma is stored
For karma storage, the release is the entire body and its day today activities.

Praraptha karma – is the storage portion in the brain from where (for this janma), the day today incidents and experiences get released.

Agamya karma – is the portion in the brain, where the storage of the day to day happenings.

Sanchitha karma - is the storage in the brain where the whole storage of all the janmas is there.

If there is a block in the system (lower part of the body-any output 5 organs- hands, legs, tongue-talk, genital and anus) with which the release of karma cannot happen freely, then there will be a block in the brain. This will cause many diseases.

But if raja yoga, dhyana yoga and karma yoga are done. i.e. yoga,meditation and seva are done, then the release of karma storage is smooth, fast and can release other storage karmas also.

If with Bhakthi yoga, a thought of surrender one does everything, then also release of karma is fast and smooth.

“Why only me?” “Why why”, question gets answers through knowledge or wisdom. Such a wisdom is gnana yoga. That is also important for not getting stuck and make the release happen.

For example – we meet a set of people or connected to set of people as relatives, based on our karma storage. We meet them again and again and interact with them is also karma.

Once we dissolve all the storage of karma then we come out of the body. Or if the block is very severe that it cannot function anymore then also one has to come out of the body to get into another body.

Our purpose of life is to release all these karma storages and stop having rebirths.

Astrology - Adhibhautheekam

Adhibhauthikam - is the sorrow caused by the environment
One of them is due to the celestial bodies - stars, planets and time.

Our life is like a dhosa batter being made by a wet-grinder. 

Earth = The pressing stones
Time = wet-grinder base
The people = Rice and dhall
In the mothers womb for 10 months = Soaking the grains in water for 4 hrs.

With the revolution of earth, the time passes and people born and die. This is similar to the grains being crushed by base of the grinder and the stones. 

Like the batter being made, we are crushed to remove our karma for this birth.

All the experiences in life are just part of the processing of crushing to make the batter or part of our karma.

In life we might be meeting the same kind of people again and again is because of our karma. 

Astrology is about studying the influence of all the celestial bodies on us. 

Sun - Major cause of day and night and time. So we can say he is influencing the vidhi. That is what is good and bad for us etc.

Moon - Major influencer of our mind. So we can say he is influencing the Madhi.

Lagna - The 2 hours time which keeps changing in the rashi chakra. So in a day of 24 hours every 2 hours the lagna will be in different boxes. This is gathi or what actually happens to us (gochaara)

All the other movement of planets with the back drop of stars at the back make things to us. If Vidhi, Madhi and Gathi are matching then  we are very fortunate.


Vajrapanjarakavacham Explanation - Aadhidaiveekam

Adhidhaiveekam - To cure sorrows caused by the divine and other unseen forces

Tell ohm then matha naama, and then angaavayavaa:, then say paalaya 

Marma, Varma and Acupressure methods - Aadhibhauthikam

Aadhibhauthikam - To cure the sorrows caused by our own body and mind which is made of the 5 elements and are influenced by the five elements.

Acupuncture and Acupressure Are Chinese methods 
Marma is part of Ayurveda in Sanskrit 
Varma is part of Sidha in Tamil


1.     All the three systems are vital body energy based.
2.     All of them use energy points as the base.
3.   All of them use the five elements (pancha bhootha) concept for identification and treatment methods.
4.    All the three systems use external pressure and other ways to treat the points.
5.   All of them say that blocks in the energy points affect the internal organ and cause diseases in the body.
6.    All the three systems are non internal medicine based systems, but suggest medicines as per the need.
7.  For each energy point they use naming convention and identification methods.
8.      All of them use the naadi (hand) observation for diagnosis.
9.   All the three systems divide the body to group the points. For example – hands, legs etc.
1.    All the three systems mainly use fingers to treat the patient.


1. Number of points
Total 107 points
Total 108 points
Total 360 points
2. Medical system
Part of Ayurveda
Unique and is used Partially in  Siddha
Unique Chinese treatment method
3. Documentation
In Sharira sthanaani of Sushrutha samhitha
More than 120 manuscript groups are available till today
Chinese documentation is followed, but they don’t have suthras the way marmas and varmas have.
4. Information about the points
Only location is given
Tells about length, width and depth of the points
Only location is given
5. Nadis and the points
Nadis are dealt as a part of ayurveda
For each point connected nadi details are clearly given.
Nadis are called as meridian and the meridians are named based on the internal organs. There are 12 meridians used.
6. Vitality of the points
Mainly says vitality in terms of when the death can occur. Also tells which internal parts are affected.
Says vitality in terms of which internal parts are affected.
Says vitality in terms of which internal parts are affected.
7. Classification of points
107 points are classified as - in hands – 22, legs – 22, stomach – 12, back – 14,  above chest - 37
108 points are classified as padu varmam/primary points – 12, thodu varmam/secondary points - 96
Hands to chest– 125 points, legs to head – 184 points, central meridian front – 24, back – 27
8. Diagnisis
Nadi pariksha is used based on vata, pitha and kapha. prakrithi and vikrithi diagnosis is done.
Same as marma
Both hands nadis are used based on the five elements and 12 organs diagnosis is done.
9. Treatment methods
Treatment methods are part of ayurveda like hand massage, medicated oil massage etc.
For the specific problem based on the point and body type pressure measurement and application methods specified. 
Needles are used in acupuncture and application of pressure is used for all the points in acupressure.
10.          Application
Methods of massage and pressure are specified based on the body type of the person.
There are 12 types of application methods and 4 types of pressure.
Standard pressure is used in all the points.

The major conflict found was , Marma says the points should never be pierced. But Acupuncture treatment is done with piercing the points only.