Why the body has to be burnt?
In recent researches in America have proven that the people living near by to the graveyard get very strange diseases due to the contaminated ground water by the buried bodies. From the buried bodies, the worms etc get into the ground water and that water goes to the houses in the nearby area. So the people in the surrounding area get diseases, sometimes incurable. So it is proven that burning is better than burying.
Life after death is a mystery. But Hindu mythology has a very clear scientific explanation about this. Before that a brief overview on pancha bhuthas and their effect on the body and mind.
From the land the body has come and with the land it grows. After death goes to the land.
If the mind goes behind the senses, it will pull us down like the water. (Ichcha shakthi)
If the intellect controls the senses, it will keep us up like the fire. (Gnana Shakthi)
Like air our vibration (love or hatred or fear) spreads. (Kriya Shakthi)
The life becomes like an invisible baloon with the karma or impressions imprinted in it.
Heavier the baloon, it stays down and lighter goes up.
The ultimate goal mentioned in Upanishad is to dissolve in sky or space, i.e. no impressions.
We can say Gnana indriya as input and karma indriya as output.
What we hear comes out as speech.
What we see, guides our legs.
What we do, guides our hands.
What we eat, comes out as shit/malam.
What we smell/Vasana, guides our body.

Today the modern technology (TV, internet and cellphone), ties the top 3 senses. The only output is pressing the remote control/keyboard.
We have no awareness on what we eat and what we do with our body as well.
Below are the steps mentioned as Pancha Agni in Upanishads.
1. The jeevan/life goes to aakasha/sky
2. It gets down to clouds
3. Comes down as part of rain and On the land becomes part of plants
4. Becomes part of the man's body who eats the plants
5. Then through the sperms, becomes part of women as a new life
The above steps happen only if the body is burnt. Because 60% of our body is water.

Also, the thing made of pancha bhuthas get mixed with pancha bhuthas properly.
1. Agni - Burning the body
2. The gas - to the air and space
3. Ashes - To the water and the land
If the body is buried, the body is given to only one bhutha, i.e. land alone.
So the body is eaten by the insects of the land.
The probability of the Jeevan becoming one such life is high.
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