Sunday, 24 November 2019
What we see & believe and what is the truth
1. We see and believe that whatever the media says is correct. But the truth behind is the media can divert the mind of the society in whatever way they want. It is being operated by a group of people who are operated by money.
2. We see and believe that the advertisements are focusing on the wellness of the society. But the truth behind is the focus of these corporate is to collapse the health of the society.
3. We see and believe that with good dresses and chappals we can lead a good life. Bu the truth is we need good food for a good life. So the focus has to be on agriculture and not on industries which pollute the earth and produce clothes and chappals.
4. We see and believe that the RO water we get is good for our health. But the truth is, it is very harmful for our health.
5. We see and believe that the A1 milk from the jersey cows is good for our health. But the truth behind is only A2 milk (from deshi cows) is good for our health and A1 milk is poisonous.
6. We see and believe that the investment on land through real estate makes the economy of the family and country better. But the truth is in the namve of investment, we are stopping agriculture and making the agriculture land to a waste land.
7. We see and believe the education system today is very good. But the truth is the focus is only making money and not giving knowledge. From childrens's uniforms and books to their degrees everything has a focus behind as making money.
8. We see and believe that the medical system and the hospitals are to save the people from diseases. But the truth is their focus is making more diseases and create regular customers.
9. We see and believe that the respect in the society is for the relevant people. But the truth is the teachers who create the future generation,soldiers who protect the nation and farmers who are like axle of the country are not being respected.
10. We see and believe that the system of selling is too good for us. But the truth is with the big shopping malls, we are forced to buy things which they sell. but the actual needs of us are not met and local community's productions are suppressed.
The secret practice in upanishads and tantra

There are 18 Yogopanishads and all of them talk about Sohum meditation as an important meditation of salvation.
As per vedanta upanishads also union of "sah" (paramatma) and aham (jeevathma) is "sohum" which helps to reach the ultimate.
In Tantra 'sa' is the beejakshara of "Shakthi" and 'ha' is the beejakshara of "Shiva". So the union of Shakthi and Shiva is "Sohum". We can say this in science as the union of matter and energy.
As per all the darshanas and shastras including thantra, sohum is the ultimate meditation.
So do this practice daily.
To save us from diseases
Things which are to be taken care to save us from diseases
We can say that most of the diseases are psychosomatic. So 50% of the causes of diseases is mind. Next 50% is due to the food and body heat. So by handling these 3 things, we can avoid falling ill.
1. Mind (50% cause of diseases)
- Daily do some yoga or exercise
- Practice daily some pranayama or breathing techniques
- Do some meditation daily
- Sleep daily for 6-8 hrs (best between 10 PM to 4 AM/6 AM)
- Walking in fresh air (with or without music)
- Watch TV for maximum 1 hr daily
- Spend more time with people than with cell
- Spend time in arts (music,painting etc) and do some gardening
- Spend time with kids or poor people
- Visit a mental hospital or prison or orphanage or old age home once in a year to value your status of life
- Go to a completely new place once a year
- Put yourself in the other's shoes to avoid conflicts and keep your mind at peace
2. Body heat (25% cause of diseases)

- Weekly oil bath in warm water (head and whole body soaked in (heated sesame oil with 2 garlic pieces and 4 pepper seeds) for minimum 1/2 an hour)
- Daily early morning eye wash (put the face in basin water and keep for 30 counts -7 times)
- Soak feet in warm salt water(10 mins) daily
- Regular fasting once in 15 days (water fasting, fruit fasting)
- Once in 6 months stomach cleaning (Bedi)
- Do Jal nethi to clean the nose (250 ml water+1 tea spoon rock salt)
3. Food (25% cause of diseases)
- Alkaline water (in 1 liter water, put 2 long pieces of cucumber and one small piece of lemon and keep it for 12 hrs (drink daily for one week, every month)
- Drinking more water (min 2 liters daily)
- Avoiding fast food and canned food
- Avoiding canned cool drinks and juices
- Reduce white salt, sugar and milk (avoid maida, deep fried or spicy or oily food)
- Applying all senses in the food while eating
- Completely chew food till the taste goes
- Having all colors and tastes in the food
- Having food on time (7-9 am, 1-2 pm, 7-9 pm)
- Having fresh fruits daily (avoid seedless)
- Having fresh vegetables daily (all from creepers can be consumed raw, have greens)
- Having dry fruits daily
- Having dhal daily
- Observe and reduce the intake other than 3 meals (tea, snacks etc )
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