Things which are to be taken care to save us from diseases
We can say that most of the diseases are psychosomatic. So 50% of the causes of diseases is mind. Next 50% is due to the food and body heat. So by handling these 3 things, we can avoid falling ill.
1. Mind (50% cause of diseases)
- Daily do some yoga or exercise
- Practice daily some pranayama or breathing techniques
- Do some meditation daily
- Sleep daily for 6-8 hrs (best between 10 PM to 4 AM/6 AM)
- Walking in fresh air (with or without music)
- Watch TV for maximum 1 hr daily
- Spend more time with people than with cell
- Spend time in arts (music,painting etc) and do some gardening
- Spend time with kids or poor people
- Visit a mental hospital or prison or orphanage or old age home once in a year to value your status of life
- Go to a completely new place once a year
- Put yourself in the other's shoes to avoid conflicts and keep your mind at peace
2. Body heat (25% cause of diseases)

- Weekly oil bath in warm water (head and whole body soaked in (heated sesame oil with 2 garlic pieces and 4 pepper seeds) for minimum 1/2 an hour)
- Daily early morning eye wash (put the face in basin water and keep for 30 counts -7 times)
- Soak feet in warm salt water(10 mins) daily
- Regular fasting once in 15 days (water fasting, fruit fasting)
- Once in 6 months stomach cleaning (Bedi)
- Do Jal nethi to clean the nose (250 ml water+1 tea spoon rock salt)
3. Food (25% cause of diseases)
- Alkaline water (in 1 liter water, put 2 long pieces of cucumber and one small piece of lemon and keep it for 12 hrs (drink daily for one week, every month)
- Drinking more water (min 2 liters daily)
- Avoiding fast food and canned food
- Avoiding canned cool drinks and juices
- Reduce white salt, sugar and milk (avoid maida, deep fried or spicy or oily food)
- Applying all senses in the food while eating
- Completely chew food till the taste goes
- Having all colors and tastes in the food
- Having food on time (7-9 am, 1-2 pm, 7-9 pm)
- Having fresh fruits daily (avoid seedless)
- Having fresh vegetables daily (all from creepers can be consumed raw, have greens)
- Having dry fruits daily
- Having dhal daily
- Observe and reduce the intake other than 3 meals (tea, snacks etc )
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