
Friday, 25 September 2020

Applying 4 yogas based on Bhagavad gita

 Karma or action is the ultimate. One cannot escape from action (Karma yoga)

One has to do the daily sadhana to balance the influence of 3 gunas in the work. (Kriya yoga)

1. Thamas - yoga stretches

2. Rajas - Pranayama, Sudharshan Kriya and breathing techniques

3. Sattva - Meditation

Starting the day with the daily sadhana and doing meditation to keep up the sattva is mandatory while doing the work. 

Also the knowledge is to be applied for every action (Gnana yoga)

1. Not to desire for the fruit of action

2. Not to get deluded by the desire

3. Also not get attached to inaction

4. Give one's 100% in the work

5. Everything is done by the prakrithi. So drop the doer-ship.

Looking at the power of the divine which is omnipresent, one has to become humble and then do the action (Bhakti yoga)

1. Be grateful for whatever he has got and is experiencing

2. Be devoted to the ultimate

3. Have a complete surrender to the ultimate divine 

Purpose of 4 yogas

Kriya yoga

If the mind is tied with the body - yoga

If the mind is tied with the breath - pranayama

If the mind is tied with the soul - meditation

Gnana yoga

If the mind is tied with the intellect - knowledge

(only with the proper knowledge, intellect can function better)

Karma yoga

If the mind is tied with the action which clears memory - Seva

Clearing of impression happens when we do seva, thoughts about oneself is gone and we start taking care of others. This clears the memory.

Bhakthi yoga

If the mind is tied with the ego - Satsang 

Bhakthi or surrender to the ultimate

Mind is the gateway of everything. 

Clearing and streamlining input impressions is through kriya and Gnana yoga. This could be done alone.

Clearing and streamlining of output impressions is Bhakthi yoga and karma yoga. For output, we have to do to others.