
Tuesday 19 January 2021

Connection between 8 and 4 for spiritual growth

Getting established in deep meditation will make one achieve the state of divine. Knowledge or Gnana yoga is the foundation for everything.

To get into the state one has to practice Ashtanga yoga regularly. 

1. Yama - To protect one from impurities from outside 

(Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha)

2. Niyama - To practice daily to progress in the path

(Shaucha, Santosha, Tapas, Swadhyaya, Ishwarapranidhana)  

3. Yoga Asana - Stabilizing the body 

4. Pranayama - Controlling the breath (to settle the mind)

5. Prathiyahara - Taking mind inward (out of the senses)

6. Dharana - Getting the mind into one 

7. Dhyana - Meditation (Getting into the thoughtless state)

8. Samadhi - Continuing in that thoughtless state

Along with the Ashtanga yoga, which is the kriya yoga, one has to

1. Practice karma yoga or selfless action (seva) to purify the chiththa. (To settle the mind in meditation)

2. Be in regular touch with Gnana yoga - which is the foundation of all the yogas. Because with knowledge only one can learn and practice kriya, Bhakthi and Karma yogas.

3. Practice Bhakthi yoga - To understand and experience the power of ever-pervading divine  

All these put together will elevate one in the spiritual path which is the Adhyathmika growth.

Adhibhauthika - are the sorrows caused by the five elements. These are the problems/ailments in the body. (Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama can help)

Adhidaivika - are the sorrows caused by the unseen divine and demon powers. For this we have to surrender to the divine for protection. (Bhakthi yoga)

Adhyathika - are the sorrows caused by the internal faculties such as mind, intellect, memory & ego (Prathiyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi can help). Also regular knowledge can purify the intellect, Seva can purify the memory or chiththa and Bhakthi can purify the ego. All these by regular practice will help one to settle the mind slowly which will help one to achieve moksha

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