
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Why to be a vegetarian? A must read to all, pls.

1) What are the animals which eat non-vegetarian food? Tiger, lion etc
How are their nails and teeth? very sharp

If we were made non-veg by nature, then we would have had such sharp nails and teeth. But we do not have them. So we are made vegetarian by nature.

What the lion does? It eats non-veg food and sleeps for long. How long the python's food takes for digestion? More than 2 days.

2) Do you know about the length of the intestine of those animals and us?
We have very long intestine than those animals (4 times longer). So the food will take longer time to travel for us than them.

3) When the animals get killed, they are fearful. So the vibration of fear is set in all the cells of those animals and so we will also get the same fear, if we eat that flesh.

4) The animals aten by humans, eat many unwanted food items like insects etc. So intern those food items will get into our system. 

5) What is the time taken for the food items to get digested by humans?
Fresh vegetables and fruits - 2 hrs
Boiled Rice and proteins      - 4 hrs
For non-vegetarian foods     - 72 hrs

So it takes three days for the non-veg food to get digested. 3 days is a very long period. Any cooked food will get spoiled in 3 days. So the non-veg food will get spoiled completely inside the small intestine. The probability of getting intestine related issues is very high.

6) When we cook the non-veg food items, methane emission which depletes the ozone is very high. So why to torture our system and the environment?

7) If we say that we do not get energy from the vegetarian food, then i have a question -
Which is the animal we refer for bal or shakthi or high energy?
Elephant - Which is a vegetarian animal. So veg can be powerful

Which is the animal we refer to measure the speed of vehicles?
Horse - Which is a vegetarian animal. So veg can be faster.

Vegetarian food is safer and healthier. 

புலால் மறுப்பு

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மனித உடல் பலத்திற்கு ஒப்பிடப்படும் - யானையும்
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கொல்லாமை செய்வோம், பிற உயிர் நலம்
புலால் சமைத்து வரும் மீத்தேனைக் குறைத்து
சுற்றுச் சூழலைக் காப்போம்


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