
Sunday 18 August 2019

Bhutha Shudhi - To clean the subtle body - Jataraagni, Kamagni to Jnanagni

This is also to get over the jataragni & kamagni and get into the jnanagni. We need to chant the bheejaakshara given and imagine as given below.  

Element - air 
Chakra  - Anahatha 
Location - heart 
Imagine that body is dried in air.

Element - fire
Chakra - Manipuraha 
Location - stomach 
Imagine that the body is set to fire and is burnt.

Element - earth
Chakra - muladhara 
Location - End of tail bone
Imagine that the body turned to ashes. (Jataragni, the body consciousness is put off)

Element - water 
Chakra - swadishtana
Location - Genital
Imagine that Amrutham or nectar is poured on the ashes. (Sets off the kamagni, the lust is put off)

Sham, sham, sam 
Element - Earth 
Chakra - muladhara (The surrounding aksaras in the chakra) 
Imagine that a new divine form is formed from the ashes.

Ham, Lam, ksham
Element - Time
Chakra - Ajna 
Location - Right eye, In between the eyebrows, Left eye
Imagine that the new divine body formed is glowing with jnanaagni. 

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