Ashtanga yoga
1. Yamas - 5 ( Discipline with others)
Ahimsa - non-violence in words, thoughts and action. Not to justify our action of Himsa. (Awareness dawns)
Sathya - speaking the truth at one level and in other level to be established in the unchanged. (Successful)
Asteya - non-stealing. Not desiring on things which others have. Mind stops craving. (Feel Abundance)
Brahmacharya - celibacy or not getting swayed by senses. Going towards Brahma. (Energy increases )
Aparigraha - Non-accumulation. Not only things, words of praise from others etc. It's our karma to go thru certain things.(past life realization)
Ahimsa - non-violence in words, thoughts and action. Not to justify our action of Himsa. (Awareness dawns)
Sathya - speaking the truth at one level and in other level to be established in the unchanged. (Successful)
Asteya - non-stealing. Not desiring on things which others have. Mind stops craving. (Feel Abundance)
Brahmacharya - celibacy or not getting swayed by senses. Going towards Brahma. (Energy increases )
Aparigraha - Non-accumulation. Not only things, words of praise from others etc. It's our karma to go thru certain things.(past life realization)
2. Niyamas - 5 (For self discipline)
Shaucha - Cleanliness. How is the mind? Whether it is clinging to the -ve or +ve. Not spreading the grief but spread the good. No unnecessary touches. (Chitha ekagrata, atmadarshana yogyata)
Santhosha - Ability to be happy and contented. (Gives ultimate pleasure - Unuthama Sukha laabha)
Thapas - willingly going through the tough. (Impurities get purified - ashudhhi kshaya)
Svadhyaya - Self study. I look at myself and correct myself. (It gives view of Devi-Devathas world - subtler world access)
Ishwarapranidhana - Surrender. (Samadhi sidhhi)
3. Asana - For the body
4. Pranayama - For the breath
5. Prathyahara - To turn the mind inward
6. Dharana - To stabilize the mind with one
7. Dhyana - To be in the thoughtless state
8. Samadhi - To stabilize in the thoughtless state
The 9 Obstacles in the path of yoga
1. vyadhi - unwell
2. sthyana - mental dullness
3. samshaya - doubt
4. pramada - doing which is not to be done
5. aalasya - laziness
6. avirathi - obsessed with pleasure, one sense takes over and without that you cannot live
7. branthi darshan - illusion
8. alabdabumikatva - was practicing so long and nothing is happening
9. anavastitatva - the experience before is not got now
The 5 symptoms
1. dukha - misery
2. daurmanasya -bitterness
3. angamejayatva - body wins
4. shwasha - breathlessness or long breath
5. prashwasa - troubled breath
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