Traditional -
•Haldi is a commonly known
name in every household.
No Celebration or
auspicious function begins without haldi (turmeric) or kum-kum (kungumam).
• In pujas manjal is used.
we exchange a horoscope for marriage purposes or during preparation manjal powder is
applied in corners and centre.
doors in many houses
are provided with a mark of turmeric and kumkum.
women now too use during bath to apply turmeric paste on the face and wash. It
was a practice for married women to use turmeric paste during bath every day for many years.
bridegroom ties a thread called the mangalsutra which has been dipped in turmeric paste around the
brides’ neck.
The bride and groom also apply a paste of sandal and turmeric on themselves
before the ceremon. This is an act of
purification and cleansing.
• Rice mixed with turmeric is showered on the
newly married couple.
•Sumangalies are offered on their
visit to other houses as a gesture, kumkum and manjal. If they come as guests, in addition saree or blouse bits are
also offered.
•Abhishekam is done with
turmeric powder mixed in water in Devi temples. if at all any poisonous
material form due to different abhisekams in random, any poisonous effect formed would be
naga deities turmeric
powder is put on them as offering and to cool them. Prasadam too is called Manjalprasadam.

is considered to be a symbol of purity and prosperity and is also considered to
improve fertility.
are dyed in Turmeric and worn by priests during religious functions like
marriages and important festivals.
In olden days the women after their puberty used to take turmeric for their
face and also will keep kumkum in between the two
eyebrows . This is not only a system of culture but there is a science beneath
the system. When she is applied with turmeric her hormones get balanced.
a women have kumkum in between two
eyebrows her kundalini power gets activated
because of the pressure given in between the two eyebrows while keeping kumkum. while the kundalini power gets activated
her brain gets sharpen so she can able to understand the husbands reaction from
their face itself.
It is a one type of meditation.
It is a one type of meditation.
and every one of us emit brain wave and The wavelength differs from person to
to regularize the
wave length Hindu women used to apply kungumam ( kum kum) made out of pure
It is very difficult
to hypnotize or mesmerize a person who applies Turmeric spot regularly in one's
fore head.
addition to this, the
benefit of regularizing ones own brain wave length is activated for those apply
it regularly.
The Sri Vaisnava
Brahmins from South India
applies turmeric paste in a vertical line in their fore head. It is believed
that this strengthens their brain wave length and also it avoids scattering
wave and sends signals in a focused manner.
and mystics, since time immemorial, have used colours for generating vital forces, calming the mind and even
warding off evil spirits. The red colour in 'Kumkum' gives immunity against hypnosis.
area around the forehead is used by the hypnotist to generate forces that
weaken the brain's resolve.
Effect of sticker Bindi
The glue applied for sticking on the back of the bindis is made of
artificial objects like paper, plastic etc. is Tama-dominant. The subtle effect of a bindi is as follows:
Raja-Tama-dominant frequencies
in the atmosphere are attracted towards the glue behind the bindi.
These frequencies
spread in the body of the woman wearing the bindi through the Ādnyā-chakra.
As a result, the
strength of the Raja-Tama particles in the woman’s body increases.
By applying the bindi sticker continuously
at one place, there is a higher risk of the negative energies creating a centre
•Spiritual experience: Awareness of circular sensation on the Ādnyā-chakra and feeling calm after beginning to
apply kumkum.
A circular vibrations
on Ādnyā-chakra
. The mind became very calm
and face becomes sāttvik. By looking at the kumkum on the forehead, one
experiences calm
and cool frequencies in the
So requesting all the females who read this, to get back to the tradition of applying kumkum.
Can apply chandan and over that kumkum during summer and can apply turmeric and kumkum during winter.
This helps to maintain the heat in the body as well and at the subtle/sukshma level creates a lot of positive effects.
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