There is a site which talks about the 7th Manu, who was a Dravida king.
And another site in the same Wikipedia talks about ancestors of Rama. The first one was Ikshvahu, who was the son of the 7th Manu mentioned above.
If we analyze both these, we can surely say that Rama was a Dravida king.
ya asau — he who was known; satyavrata — Satyavrata; nama — by the name; raja- — the saintly king; dravida-isvara — the ruler (lord, master) of the Dravida countries; jñanam — knowledge; ya —
one who; atita-kalpa-ante — at the end of the
last kalpa, lebhe —received; purusa-sevaya — by rendering
service to the Purusha; sa — he; vai —
indeed; vivasvata — of Vivasvan; putra — son; manu asit — was the Vaivasvata
Manu; iti — thus; srutam — I
have already heard; tvatta — from you; tasya — his; suta —
sons; prokt? — have been explained; ikvaku-pramukha — headed by Ikvaku; npa — many kings.
• Many say that all
the languages have their origin in Turkish. But Turkey has its origin in Tamil.
Third Tamil Sangam
•The grammars followed were agattiyam and tholkappiyam. The poems composed were Kurunthogai,Netunthogai, kurunthogai nanooru, narrinai nanooru, purananooru, aingurunooru,padirrupaatu, kali,paripaadal,kuttu,vari,sirrisai and perisai
•The Third sangam lasted 1800 yrs and spanned 49 Succeeding Kings.
we analyze Sumeria, it is clear that it
has Tamil language and culture.
And another site in the same Wikipedia talks about ancestors of Rama. The first one was Ikshvahu, who was the son of the 7th Manu mentioned above.
If we analyze both these, we can surely say that Rama was a Dravida king.
Mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatham (9.1.2-3) –
yo ‘sau satyavrato nama, rajardir dravidesvarah jñanad yo ‘tita-kalpante, lebhe puru a-sevaya sa vai vivasvata putro, manur asid iti srutam tvattas tasya suta prokta, ik vaku-pramukha

•That saintly king and
ruler (king) of the Dravida Countries who was
known by the name of Satyavrata, at the end of the
last kalpa (before the Pralaya) received
knowledge by service to The Purusha, he indeed was Vaivaswata Manu, the son of Vivaswan, his sons have been
proclaimed as the kings, famous as the Ikshvakus.
•What this implies :
The divine and dark Sri Rama, who was a descendant of Ikshvaku was the descendant
of the Dravida King, Satyavrata Manu. This fits in
with the time of Sri Rama, the Vedas and the late arrival of Aryans into India.
•Satyavrata Manu moved north
with Vasishtha and the other Saptarishis as well as one of
his sons Ikshvaku, who established Ayodhya after the flood
waters had receded. He was also known as Vaiwasvatha
Manu and Sraddha.
His other sons stayed back and survived with the help of Ganesha and Uma. (Pralaya Katha Vinayaka and Mata: Kruta Yuga Flood Narrations.
His other sons stayed back and survived with the help of Ganesha and Uma. (Pralaya Katha Vinayaka and Mata: Kruta Yuga Flood Narrations.
a Dravidan king, he was in Kumari kandam, south of Kanyakumari.
•Manu moved from south
to north. This story of Manu is similar to Noah's ark. Before and after that, in South Tamil Sangams happened. Manu had landed in Arahat, the hill in Turkey.

Tamil Sangam
•The grammar followed
in the first sangam was agattiyam. The poems composed were Paripaadal, mudunarai, mudukurugu, kalariyavirai. Now these are not
•The First sangam was held at "the Madurai which was submerged by the sea", lasted 4440 yrs and
spanned 89 Succeeding Kings.
Second Sangam
•The Second sangam lasted 3700 yrs and
spanned 59 Succeeding Kings.
Third Tamil Sangam
•The grammars followed were agattiyam and tholkappiyam. The poems composed were Kurunthogai,Netunthogai, kurunthogai nanooru, narrinai nanooru, purananooru, aingurunooru,padirrupaatu, kali,paripaadal,kuttu,vari,sirrisai and perisai
•The Third sangam lasted 1800 yrs and spanned 49 Succeeding Kings.
•This Manu is from
Surya vamsa. When he moved from
south to North, he took all the vedas with him along with the Rishis. He then moved towards Saraswathi river bank, from where we know the movement of Rishis and Aryas.

•If vedas were saved by Manu and moved towards north, then there is a high possibility of First sanga Tamil literature also went
there. May be with the vedas one set of people
have moved towards Saraswathi river and another
went towards west with Tamil books.
we could get the documents of Sumeria and match with the names of first tamil sanga’s
lost literatures, we might get them.
•It is being found
that 60% of English words have Tamil origin.,
Tamil is the mother of all languages in the world.
Excellent article