Significance of Trees as Mentioned in Vedas and Puranas
Well |
Step well |
1. Ten wells equal a step well
Ten step wells equal a tank
Ten tanks equal a son
Ten sons equal a TREE.
(Matsya Purana 512)
2.Those who plant trees in deserted and difficult to reach
Give salvation to their previous and future generations.
(Shiva Purana Uma Samhita 11/7)
3. Those who have planted tulsi vana (Indian basil, ocimum
sanctum forest) in the course of worshiping Vishnu have done yagya with all
the rituals, and they have got the fruits of 100 yagyas.
(Padma Purana Srishti Khand chapter 26, Shloka 43)
4. Those who want better future should plant good trees
around tanks, and raise them like sons, as the trees are considered like sons
in our religion.
( Mahahbharat, Anu Parva 58/31)
5. Noble is the birth of trees who give life to all beings.
They are like gentlemen who never turn anybody away disappointed.
(Bhagvat 10-22-33)
6. Trees are like gentlemen who help others. They stand in
the sun but give shade to others. Their fruit is also for the use of others.
(Vikram Charitam 65)
7. The five biggest favors bestowed by trees are like five
mahayagyas. They give fuel to the the families, shade and resting place to the travelers, nests to the birds, and medicines from their leaves, roots and
(Varaha Purana 162-41-42)
8. Eunuchs, snakes, rakshas, gods, dancing communities,
human beings and sages all seek shelter under the tree.
(Mahabharat Anu Parva-58/29)
9. Trees fulfill the desires of human beings by their
leaves, flowers, shade, root, bark, wood, fragrance, gum, ash, charcoal, buds
and new leaves.
(Srimadbhagvat, Skandh, a-22 Shloka 34)
Peepal or ashvath |
Bargad or banyan |
10. By planting one peepal (ficus religiosa), One neem
(Azadiracht indica), one bargad (ficus bengalensis), ten Imli (Tamarindus
indica), Three Kaith ( (Limonia acidissima), Three vilva (aegle marmalos),
Three aonla or amla
Kaith or wood apple |
Vilva or bhel |
(Indian gooseberry- Phyllanthus embilica), and five mango
(mangifera indica), one can never go to hell.
(Bhahvishya Purana, Rajdharma Kaustubh Khand)
11. See my dear Friend, how lucky these trees are. Their
whole life is dedicated to doing good to others. They bear storm, rain, wind,
and hails, but they save us from them.
( Srimadbhagvat, Skandh dasham,A22 Shloka 37)
12. Just one tree with flowers and fruits makes the forest
and environment fragrant and heavenly, like a good son to a family.
(Chanakyaniti Darpan, 3-14)
13. Those who plant one peepal (ficus religiosa), one neem
(azadericht indica), one bargad ( Ficus bengalensis), ten flowering trees, two
pomegranates, two oranges, and and five mango trees can never go to hell.
(Varaha Purana 12-2-39)
14. Those who plant trees in this world beget sons in the
(Vishnudharma sutra 91-4)
15.. Trees with flowers and fruits satisfy this world. Those
who donate a tree are given salvation by the same trees in the other world.
( Mahabharat Anu Parva 58/30)
16. O Tree! You bear the burden of flowers, leaves and
fruits, give relief to the people from sun, and give them succor during
winter. Thus you dedicate your entire life in helping others. That is why you
are greater than a gentlemen. Therefore O Tree! Please accept my regards.
(Bhamini Vilasa-86)
17. Where there is tulsi vana (forest of Indian basil), god
Vishnu is nearby. Brahma, Lakshmi, and all other gods are also with god Vishnu
(Padma purana, Srishti Khand, Ch. 26, Shloka 38)
18. God Vishnu says that aonla or amla (Indian gooseberry) is
holiest of all fruits in all the worlds. Therefore it is important to plant aonla
trees . By planting it, men and women get rid of the cycle of life, death and
rebirth in this world.
(Padma purana,. Srishti Khand, ch. 26, Shloka 2)
19. By worshiping peepal and Khejadi (Prosopis cineraria,
shami) trees , even a barren woman begets a child.
(Atharva veda Pt. 612-11 first stanza)
20. God said: 'O King! It is I who dwell in peepul tree and
look after the three worlds. Where there is no peepal tree, I don’t reside.
(Mahabaharat Vaishnavdharma parva Chapter -19)
21. What is the use of having so many sons, If they are
irreligious and poor? Compared to them the roadside tree is better in whose
shade travelers take rest.
(Upavan Vinod)
22. The leaves, flowers, seeds, root, branches, bark, stem
and even the soil of the place where tulsi shrub grows are all holy.
(Padma purana Uttarkhand 24/2)
23. Wherever there are aonla trees, poverty disappears. All
gods become satisfied by aonla trees, reside in it, and do not forsake it for a
(Padma purana Srishti Khand, Ch. 26, Shloka 15.)
24.. The man who worships Vishnu with tulsi leaves can never
be involved in sins like a lotus leaf in water.
(Brahma vaivarta Purana)
25. Those who plant trees, for them they are like sons.
There is no doubt that because of those trees, man attains heaven after his
(Mahabharata Anu parva 58/27)
26. If you water a mango tree, the ancestors feel happy.
(Mahabhashya, Part I)
27. If you destroy a tree, you also destroy leaves, flowers
and fruits, and the country has lesser or excess rainfall resulting in famine.
source:Bhagabat literature community