Today’s Social problems
These are called 4 Purushaarthaas
Four stages/life
•Brahmacharyam –(olden days : till 7/14 years) (now : 1 to 22 years/till marriage)
- Premarital and Extra-marital affairs
- Increasing number of divorces
- Increasing number of suicides
- Females being raped and killed
- Increasing number of murders
- Increasing number of robberies
- Unemployment problems (Increasing number of jobless youths)
- Increasing number of drunkards
- Increasing number of non-vegetarians
- Increasing harassment towards children, elders and females etc…
Purpose/Goal of life
To attain moksha or
mukthi or liberation
The knowledge about dharma,
artha, kaama, moksha (aram, porul, inbam, veedu) will help in knowing about
moksha and principles of life.
The society is made of individuals. If we could make the
individuals to look at themselves And correct themselves instead of others, most of the problems get
These are called 4 Purushaarthaas
•Moksha –This is the purpose
of life (self realization)
•Dharma –Principles of life
•Artha –Without harming and
without cheating anyone earning money within the principles of dharma
•Kaama–Without harming and
without cheating anyone enjoying pleasure within the principles of dharma

•Brahmacharyam –(olden days : till 7/14 years) (now : 1 to 22 years/till marriage)
· During
Brahmacharyam, the focus should be on studies only. He should never be exposed
to money and sex.
· Thirukkural
and Bhagavad Gita to be learnt by all.
· Mukthi
is impossible without the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita and to learn that, the
knowledge of Sanskrit is essential.
•Grahastham –(olden days : 7/14 to 30 years) (now :
from marriage till children’s marriage)
to be to the family.
Not only
earning money, but for their well being also.
· He
should take care of the people in other 3 ashramaas (Brahmacharyam,
Vaanaprastham, Sanyaasam).
· Means he
is not only responsible for his family, he is also responsible for the society.
• Vanaprastha –(olden days : 30 to 50 years) (now :
till 60 years)
Slowly coming out of bondages with properties, relationships etc
relationship with the children is being cut slowly.
· Once the
children settle down with their families, the couple should come out of the
relationship and stay away from them.
•Sanyasam –(olden days : after 50 years) (not in
Completely getting into sadhana and Preparing for mukthi/moksha
(1) The five elements, input and output organs
(1) The five elements, input and output organs
Elements 5
•Earth –Our body is growing with the food which comes
from earth
•Water –70% of earth and our body is water
•Fire –The digestion in the body and with sun’s fire
energy only life is existing
•Air –We cannot live without air even for few minutes
•Space –Each cell has space
the actions and words get stored as that in the memory disk which comes with
him for many births
· For a birth the karma quata to dissolve is called praptha karma
· Rest of the janma karma stock is called sanjitha karma
· This janma’s storage is ayaathmika karma
This knowledge of karma will warn him and stop him from sins.

The five input organs (Gnanendriyaas)
–Smell (nose) – Earth
–Taste (tongue) – water (Flows down)
–See (eyes) – Fire (Faces up)
–Touch (skin) – Air (Flies)
(ears) – Space (Everywhere)
The five Output organs (Karmendriyas)
–Tongue (Speech) - (Input – hearing)
–Hands (Action) - (Input – touching)
–Legs (Walking) - (Input – seeing)
–Anal (Toilet) - (Input – Eating)
–Genital (pleasure) - (Input –
Mind is both Gnana-karmendriyam.
All to be taught, not only yoga but
also pranayama (for breath control and in turn control the mind) and meditation
for relaxing and to get peace of mind.This is to maintain healthy body and mind.
How their input (through senses -
gnanenriyas) affect their output (words and actions - karmendriyas). This will help one to be cautious on his eyes, ears, hands and tongue.
(3) Chakras
Knowledge about the 7 chakras in the body, their
locations and the emotions related to each.
This will help one to turn his mind inwardly
where in the mind always looks outside.
To know about panch maha paadhakaas (madhu,
maadhu, maamsam, murder and stealing) and keep oneself away from it.
This knowledge will help to know about the
highest possible sins.
(4) The four yogas
1. Kriya yoga – Yogasanas, Pranayama, Meditation
Gnana yoga – Spiritual
Karma yoga – Service to the people and responsibility for
their actions
Bhakthi yoga
–Complete Surrender and love towards the divine
(5) TheORY OF KARma
· For a birth the karma quata to dissolve is called praptha karma
· Rest of the janma karma stock is called sanjitha karma
· This janma’s storage is ayaathmika karma
This knowledge of karma will warn him and stop him from sins.
certain things are known to the people, they may not get into many unwanted
situations in life. Even the people in jails are regretting for their momentary
mistakes and effect of their actions. So, all the above mentioned things from
our cultural base will definitely make a person as good as possible.
life no one is perfect to 100%. But should be able to accept the mistakes and
correct oneself, then progress in life.
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