
Monday 18 November 2013

A thought on freedom and respect to females

In India there are two major practices of worshiping the divine is happening. Dhakshinacharam (in south) and Vaamacharam "(in north). 

In Dhakshinacharam, Females are not allowed inside the temples to do the pujas, but females are worshiped as divine. Because in the body they get impure blood which causes a negative vibration around them which will affect the temple. The females also respect the thought and they don't get into the garbagruham or go to temples during the periods. The rate of rapes is less compared to the other places.

In Vamacharam, Females are allowed to do puja in the temples at the same time they are treated as objects. The no. of rapes are much higher, even small kids are being raped.

We should give freedom and respect where we need to give and should not give freedom and respect where we should not. Females should also respect others views and agree to follow such norms for the welfare of the society without much argument.

We need to really think all the possible ways to reduce the crimes against females.

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