Uuuu - is the sound of Operation. It is the sound of heart where the blood purification is done or the energy is maintained (Vishnu).
mmmm - is the sound of Destruction. It is the sound of brain where the old thoughts are destroyed and transformed to new thoughts (Shiva).
Aaaa + Uuuu = Oooo in Sanskrit (Guna sandhi)
The sound of Vishnu is important to maintain anything for a long time. (Health, Relationships, Business, job, Social harmony etc).
Today people can create new things, the power of Generation is good. Same way people can destroy and transform to new things faster, power of Destruction is also good.
But maintaining something in a good way for a long time is lacking. That's why
Health issues (cannot think about maintaining good health),
Relationship problems (cannot maintain a relationship for a long time, they keep changing), Business issues (cannot maintain a business for a long time, it changes frequently),
Job (cannot stick to one job for a long time, they keep changing jobs), Social harmony (cannot maintain the peace in society, lot of fights).
The reason could be lack of Vishnu energy or UUUU. So the sound Uuuu is needed today to maintain everything.

G- Aaa - is the sound of energy and enthusiasm (aatral) (Shakthi)
O- uuu - is the sound of Love and commitment (anbhu, adakkam) (Bhakthi)
D- mmm - is the sound of peace and awareness (amaidhi, arivu) (yukthi)
So GOD is within us. Only with energy and enthusiasm we can do activities. Only with love and commitment we can maintain ourselves. Only with peace and awareness we can transform or grow.
After that only we can think about peraanandham or bliss or mukthi.
If we lack any one, we get stuck. For example, If we lack enthusiasm, we can't work, then commitment goes off, in turn peace goes. If we lack love, then everything is broken and again the peace is lost. If the peace is not there the mind gets stuck and cannot do anything properly.
is scientific and experiential. We can check by loudly saying aaaaaaa
and keep the right hand on the stomach. The vibration can be felt. Same
way in the chest with uuuuuu. Without touching anything but mmmm sound, can make us feel vibration in the head.
So let us chant oooooommm (min 3 times to max 108 times) to have harmony within us and the surrounding.
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